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'Detox your Lifestyle' approach

Fasten your seat belts and let’s embark on the journey of “nurturing your body, mind and soul”, that aims to create “a lifestyle of wholeness, balance and purpose” ( Miki- @soulmys.experience)

Having designed a self-coaching digital workbook, Miki aspires to facilitate people’s journeys in the area of transformation and growth, that we all can have access to, depending on what we prioritize in life; that is, do we prioritize us enough to learn more about ourselves and methods of painting a happier and more colorful version into our life drawing?

The Detox your Lifestyle is very structured and organized, thus making it easier for all readers to navigate through the workbook and concisely grasp the value of the information of each chapter. By going through the workbook at my own pace, it occurred to me that there are things which apparently seem so logical and easy to perform that lead to us having a more purposeful life filled with inner joy, but then we never actually get to do them or put them into practice in real life basically. That’s what strikes me as really fascinating; you see, I always found myself giving advice to some of my friends regarding break-ups or love or in particular stress situations that they were dealing with, but when it came to how I was handling things in break-ups, love or in stress situations, I was quite a mess and didn’t know where to start from to get my life back on track. The same applies in this case, wherein Miki invested so much time and energy to bring this workbook to life, in guiding people catch wings of wisdom and inner transformation towards a more thriving life; what Detox your Lifestyle successfully manages to bring across is not only an awakening of our awareness stage, but also a gentle reminder of the efficiency and value of doing certain things the right way to produce favorable results on the long-term. So, let Detox your Lifestyle be your guide in offering you the space and tools to have somewhere to start from at your own pace, at your own time! Meanwhile, let me be your short-term guide in presenting to you the Detox your Lifestyle content attractions and benefits.

Were I to ask you right now what is the very first thing you’d like to change in your life to make it a brighter and mindful place, would you know how to answer the question right away? Maybe yes, maybe no. For the “yes” population, I assume it would do no harm in finding out new techniques of transforming your life more purposefully; for the “no” population, this is your chance to get started in finding your answer. There is no “it’s too late” excuse; it’s never too late to do the things that are important to you and that bring you inner happiness and long-term value. Please remember that it’s never too late!

Sometimes, I still capture myself struggling with the consistency of doing things the right way and presumably, I am not the only one when it comes to not being fully consistent with certain tasks we set out to accomplish. Let me share this with you: upon opening the workbook, I could see consistency as one of the first impressions that it made me; consistency in forming a routine or habit for myself to read a chapter per day and letting that chapter set the tone for a productive and inspiring day I am about to have. How many times did you start a thing, but only rarely did you manage to complete it till the end? I know I’ve done this myself in the past, but nowadays I’ve learned how to be more consistent with the things that I value in my daily life; Make your lifestyle a consistent activity and priority, in which you perform a daily check with your health, your inner voice, your feelings, mood and goals for the day. Just check with yourself daily and add consistency to the tasks that are really valuable to you! Detox your Lifestyle does add consistency to your daily program and routine, by having each chapter designed to fit in your day and busy schedule, while always enabling you to come back at any respective chapter of your choice.

Another thing that instantly and positively appealed to me was the ordering and the structure of the workbook chapters overall: by having this structure, it will automatically push you in turn to allow for structure and organization in your life story. Most often than not, I acted as a prisoner in the messy space that I myself was creating; at that time, I didn’t have the right mindset tools to guide me towards a way of escape. I remember I was always taking on so many assignments and responsibilities on my shoulders, therefore not having time to do some cleaning in my brain, and as such, I was constantly feeling under pressure, overburdened and overexaggerated in the way I was thinking. Imagine doing a proper and deep cleaning in your mind, just like a detox; how would you feel then? Would you perhaps say you feel more aligned with your thoughts and actions, while being able to consistently meet the goals for that respective day? Yeah, I thought so too. So, with this being said, allow Detox your Lifestyle to add structure and organization in your mind, but also in your closet; making space in your closet and getting rid of unwanted stuff is crucial in making room for your thoughts, thus having a clear way of thinking; “Your home is a living space, not a storage space”- Francine Jay

Next topic on the agenda: get real with yourself and sit down to reflect. Yes, reflect on your life; how does it look like at the present moment and whether you would make any improvements in this sense, and what are these improvements? Are they actionable, are they realistic, do they reflect how you truly want your life to look like or is it external influences perhaps dictating you how your life should look like? I loved the interactive questions put at my disposal in the workbook; nobody was rushing me to give an immediate answer to the questions, so I was really taking the time to answer all questions as sincerely as I could. Pouring my heart out in a journal or notebook feels so good… so RELIEVING! Unless put at my disposal, I would probably never think of such questions regarding my environment, my life, my goals and so forth; but Miki has this covered for us, so now we only need to get a notebook and be truthful to ourselves in answering the questions. It’s such a healthy way to reflect on our life choices and life in general. I call it “journaling me time”; I think we should all start doing this activity, as it not only increases our self-awareness and awareness overall, but also it enables us to get rid of negative emotions and to eliminate negative energy by writing down our feelings at that particular moment. It really helps as well to vent our frustration by talking to our dearest ones, but, when you just need to be alone and with your own thoughts, journaling me time is just the right thing to do. Detox your Lifestyle highly encourages us to do plentiful of self-talk and I find it incredibly impactful of an activity to embark on and to schedule in our daily routine. Do you really know your identity?; Do you really know your deepest values and what they stand for?; How about your core principles guiding you in life? Now it’s the time to immerse yourself in some self-talk and Miki is right here in helping you get started with that.

Curious what else does Miki have in store for us? Then keep reading.

It is very important to be aware of your environment. Do you have a ticket to becoming your best self and what is it then? What kind of environment do you need which allows you to thrive the most? Dare to find your sweet and thriving spot and space, allowing you to grow at your full potential. What’s the most fulfilling to you and why? Acknowledge your environment in which you best function and perform to unlock your true self and potential. Once you’ve settled for the things or items that constitute your sweet and happy place, keep them to close to you; you don’t want to thrive only on the short-term, but on the long-term as well.

Detox your Lifestyle teaches us also how to practice more self-gratitude. “Gratitude turns what we have into enough” (Aesop). What are you most grateful for? What are the things or people who have truly played an essential role in shaping the person you are today? Let’s take some time to thank these people and appreciate the things deemed as highly significant in our lives; don’t forget that pure joy lies in little trivial things. Learning the art of self-gratitude requires no special skill, just a deep and honest self-talk, wherein you give thanks to everything and everyone that has helped you flourish into the beautiful flower you are today. Try uttering empowering self-gratitude affirmations on a daily and consistent basis and see how that makes you feel. It needs to be consistent; don’t just expect results after one or two days of practicing self-gratitude. Same as journaling: dare to express anything that is on your mind in your notebook, freely and wildly. It’s just you and your notebook. And Miki pushing you to be the best version of yourself 😊

Do not miss Miki’s Detox your Lifestyle workbook for more insightful and mind-blowing topics and life lessons. It was an immense pleasure and gratitude moment for me to have grasped the chance of connecting with Miki and thus, to go through the workbook at my own pace, at my own time! And there is still a lot left for me to go over, so I will for sure hold onto this workbook very tightly. What about you? <3

“In life you cannot lose; you either win or learn” (Miki) (

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